13 research outputs found

    Ruumiliste otsustustugede arendamine võimaldamaks merede jätkusuutlikku majandamist

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneMeremajanduse teostamiseks on vaja eri tüüpi ruumilist infot, millele tuginevad tööriistad on hädavajalikud kriisiolukorras reageerimiseks ja erinevate stsenaariumipõhiste analüüside läbiviimisel. Doktoritöös arendati veebipõhiseid operatiivseid otsustustugesid, mis võimaldavad koguda ja analüüsida andmeid ja teadmisi ning edastada tulemusi sidusrühmadele arusaadaval viisil, et hõlbustada kokkulepete sõlmimist. Sellist lähenemist illustreerib Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), mis võimaldab hinnata naftareostusega seotud keskkonnariske ja leida hädaolukordadele paremaid lahendusi. Naftalekke ruumilise leviku modelleerimine ja selle visualiseerimine võimaldab hinnata võimalike meetmete eeliseid, et kujundada sobiv reageerimisstrateegia. Lisaks valmis doktoritöö käigus PlanWise4Blue (PW4B) tööriist, millega hinnatakse erinevate survetegurite kumulatiivset mõju mereelustikule. PW4B tööriista saab kasutada inimtegevuste eraldi- ja koosmõjude prognoosimiseks nii tänapäevaste kui ka tuleviku kliimamuutuste tingimustes. Tööriista katsetati Läänemere piirkonnas Eesti mereala ruumilise planeerimise protsessis uurimaks erinevate meremajandamisstsenaariumite mõju erinevatele loodusväärtustele. Tulemused julgustavad kasutama modelleerimisel põhinevaid stsenaariumarvutusi otsustusprotsessides, et uurida inimtegevuse mõju ja/või kasu ökosüsteemi teenuste osutamisele ja vastupidi. Stsenaariumianalüüse kasutades saame teada ühiskonna eelistusi selle kohta, millist tulevikku nad eelistaksid ning paraneb otsustusprotsesside läbipaistvus.The maritime economy requires different types of spatial information, on which spatial decision support tools are essential to respond to crisis situations and to carry out different scenario-based analyses. This doctoral study developed web-based operational decision support tools to collect and analyse data and insights as well as to facilitate communication and discussion with stakeholders. Such an approach is illustrated by the Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), which enables the assessment of environmental risks associated with oil spills and the identification of better solutions to emergencies. By integrating the analysis and visualization of dynamic spill features, the benefits of potential response actions are compared to develop an appropriate response strategy. In addition, PlanWise4Blue (PW4B), a tool to assess the cumulative impact of different human pressures on marine life, was developed during the PhD. The PW4B tool can be used to predict the individual and combined effects of human activities under both current environmental conditions and future climate change. The tool has been tested in the Baltic Sea region in the Estonian marine spatial planning process to investigate the impacts of different marine management scenarios on different nature values. The results encourage the use of modelling-based scenario calculations in decision-making processes to explore effects and/or benefits of human activities to ecosystem services provision, and vice versa. Scenario analysis can be used to include society preferences of what future would they prefer and can improve transparency in decision-making processes.https://www.ester.ee/record=b550706

    Ruumiliste otsustustugede arendamine võimaldamaks merede jätkusuutlikku majandamist

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneMeremajanduse teostamiseks on vaja eri tüüpi ruumilist infot, millele tuginevad tööriistad on hädavajalikud kriisiolukorras reageerimiseks ja erinevate stsenaariumipõhiste analüüside läbiviimisel. Doktoritöös arendati veebipõhiseid operatiivseid otsustustugesid, mis võimaldavad koguda ja analüüsida andmeid ja teadmisi ning edastada tulemusi sidusrühmadele arusaadaval viisil, et hõlbustada kokkulepete sõlmimist. Sellist lähenemist illustreerib Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), mis võimaldab hinnata naftareostusega seotud keskkonnariske ja leida hädaolukordadele paremaid lahendusi. Naftalekke ruumilise leviku modelleerimine ja selle visualiseerimine võimaldab hinnata võimalike meetmete eeliseid, et kujundada sobiv reageerimisstrateegia. Lisaks valmis doktoritöö käigus PlanWise4Blue (PW4B) tööriist, millega hinnatakse erinevate survetegurite kumulatiivset mõju mereelustikule. PW4B tööriista saab kasutada inimtegevuste eraldi- ja koosmõjude prognoosimiseks nii tänapäevaste kui ka tuleviku kliimamuutuste tingimustes. Tööriista katsetati Läänemere piirkonnas Eesti mereala ruumilise planeerimise protsessis uurimaks erinevate meremajandamisstsenaariumite mõju erinevatele loodusväärtustele. Tulemused julgustavad kasutama modelleerimisel põhinevaid stsenaariumarvutusi otsustusprotsessides, et uurida inimtegevuse mõju ja/või kasu ökosüsteemi teenuste osutamisele ja vastupidi. Stsenaariumianalüüse kasutades saame teada ühiskonna eelistusi selle kohta, millist tulevikku nad eelistaksid ning paraneb otsustusprotsesside läbipaistvus.  The maritime economy requires different types of spatial information, on which spatial decision support tools are essential to respond to crisis situations and to carry out different scenario-based analyses. This doctoral study developed web-based operational decision support tools to collect and analyse data and insights as well as to facilitate communication and discussion with stakeholders. Such an approach is illustrated by the Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), which enables the assessment of environmental risks associated with oil spills and the identification of better solutions to emergencies. By integrating the analysis and visualization of dynamic spill features, the benefits of potential response actions are compared to develop an appropriate response strategy. In addition, PlanWise4Blue (PW4B), a tool to assess the cumulative impact of different human pressures on marine life, was developed during the PhD. The PW4B tool can be used to predict the individual and combined effects of human activities under both current environmental conditions and future climate change. The tool has been tested in the Baltic Sea region in the Estonian marine spatial planning process to investigate the impacts of different marine management scenarios on different nature values. The results encourage the use of modelling-based scenario calculations in decision-making processes to explore effects and/or benefits of human activities to ecosystem services provision, and vice versa. Scenario analysis can be used to include society preferences of what future would they prefer and can improve transparency in decision-making processes.https://www.ester.ee/record=b550706

    Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis of Maritime Traffic Safety Management in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)

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    According to International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Baltic Sea Area has some of the densest maritime traffic in the world. The Baltic Sea was designated a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) at IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee's 53rd session in July 2005. The Mandatory Ship Reporting System in the Gulf of Finland Traffic Area (GOFREP) was established by IMO in 2003 and has been in operation since 2004. The objective of this study in progress is 1) to outline the hierarchical structure of the maritime navigation safety management system from European to ship onboard level and 2) to apply the Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) to identify system level hazards and potentially unsafe ship speed and maneuvering control actions with respect to IMO Collision Regulations (COLREGs) Rules on ship safe speed, ship safe separation distances and the Traffic Separation Schemes requirements with the aim of evaluating the effective hazard control options to enable efficient updating of ship levelsituational awareness and the enforcement of safety constraints in real time.Peer reviewe

    Towards STAMP Based Dynamic Safety Management of Eco-Socio-Technical Maritime Transport System

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    AbstractUnder an increasing maritime transport in the Baltic Sea, and especially in the Gulf of Finland, the possibility of environmental harm and accidents due to shipping pressure is growing. To counteract increasing risks, adequate measures for accident prevention and mitigation of environmental consequences are critically important. The Gulf of Finland Mandatory Ship Reporting System (GOFREP) is a the complex socio-technical maritime transport safety management system that has been in efficient operation since 2004 and it is open to further improvement and development. However, environmental safety is not explicitly covered by the GOFREP so far. According to our working hypothesis, the Systems Theoretic Accident Models and Processes (STAMP) can be extended beyond the area of socio-technical system safety into realm of complex eco-socio-technical systems safety. This paper attempts to demonstrate the conceptual potential of STAMP based on adaptive management of the Maritime Spatial Planning processes and integrated safety management of eco-socio-technical maritime transport system

    Towards Efficient Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case Study of the Port of Tallinn

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    Global, regional and national policies and regulations are providing incentives to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in ports, and the first step in this effort is to obtain a detailed overview of the main sources of emissions. The rapid developments in port GHG mapping have led to the need for a case study to assess the effectiveness and practical use of these methodologies and to suggest best practices for ports just starting this mapping process. Here, we present the current state of the art in the assessment of GHG emissions in ports. This analysis enabled us to identify the most promising methodologies to assess GHG emissions in ports in an efficient, reliable and near real-time manner. We then tested the best methodologies and practices that emerged from the review articles to build a GHG assessment system in the Port of Tallinn. Finally, we assess the advantages and disadvantages of current approaches and suggest promising ways forward

    Towards STAMP Based Dynamic Safety Management of Eco-Socio-Technical Maritime Transport System

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    Under an increasing maritime transport in the Baltic Sea, and especially in the Gulf of Finland, the possibility of environmental harm and accidents due to shipping pressure is growing. To counteract increasing risks, adequate measures for accident prevention and mitigation of environmental consequences are critically important. The Gulf of Finland Mandatory Ship Reporting System (GOFREP) is a the complex socio-technical maritime transport safety management system that has been in efficient operation since 2004 and it is open to further improvement and development. However, environmental safety is not explicitly covered by the GOFREP so far. According to our working hypothesis, the Systems Theoretic Accident Models and Processes (STAMP) can be extended beyond the area of socio-technical system safety into realm of complex eco-socio-technical systems safety. This paper attempts to demonstrate the conceptual potential of STAMP based on adaptive management of the Maritime Spatial Planning processes and integrated safety management of eco-socio-technical maritime transport system

    Next-generation smart response web (Ng-srw)

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    Funding Information: Funding: The work presented in this article was performed in the project BONUS BALTIMARI, which has received funding from BONUS (Art. 185), funded jointly by the EU, the Academy of Finland, and the Estonian Research Council and from the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme project “Adrienne”. The contributions by the third author were, in part, supported by the project ‘Safe Navigation and Environmental Protection’, funded by the Ocean Frontier Institute. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The Baltic Sea is a unique and sensitive brackish-water ecosystem vulnerable to damage from shipping activities. Despite high levels of maritime safety in the area, there is a continued risk of oil spills and associated harmful environmental impacts. Achieving common situational awareness between oil spill response decision makers and other actors, such as merchant vessel and Vessel Traffic Service center operators, is an important step to minimizing detrimental effects. This paper presents the Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), a web-based application to aid decision making concerning oil spill response. This tool aims to provide, dynamically and interactively, relevant information on oil spills. By integrating the analysis and visualization of dynamic spill features with the sensitivity of environmental elements and value of human uses, the benefits of potential response actions can be compared, helping to develop an appropriate response strategy. The oil spill process simulation enables the response authorities to judge better the complexity and dynamic behavior of the systems and processes behind the potential environmental impact assessment and thereby better control the oil combat action.Peer reviewe

    Deliverable 4.2.1. An easy-to-use online tool that calculates cumulative impacts of multiple pressures on key nature assets in pilot areas

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    Inimtegevus on Läänemeres muutumas üha intensiivsemaks ning selle olemus pidevalt mitmekesistub. Kiirete muutuste taustal on tekkimas täiesti uued merekeskkonda ümber kujundavad mehhanismid, mille sisu on teadusele veel ebaselge, kuid mis väärivad väga suurt tähelepanu, kuna ohustatud on ökosüsteemide mitmekesisus, terviklikkus ja toimimine. Mereökosüsteemide tervikliku majandamise käigus tuleb teadlikult vältida erinevate merekasutuste jaoks ebasobivat ruumieraldust ning selle läbi vähendada mere ökosüsteemidele avalduvat survet. Selle eesmärgi täitmine pole aga lihtne, kuna ökosüsteemide mitmekesiseid tagasiside mehhanisme ei ole võimalik kirjeldada lihtsate prognoosimudelitega ja paljude keskkonnamõju aspektide kohta on teaduslik informatsioon endiselt üsna puudulik. Inimtekkeliste survetegurite kumulatiivsete mõjude analüüs võimaldab süsteemselt analüüsida inimtegevuste mõju looduskeskkonnale. Kumulatiivset mõju defineeritakse siin kui erinevate inimtegevuste ja nendest inimtegevustest tulenevate survete koosmõju ökosüsteemidele. Usaldusväärsete prognooside saamiseks peab kumulatiivsete mõjude hindamine lähtuma alusteadmistest erinevate survetegurite ja loodusväärtuste vahelistest põhjus-tagajärg seostest. Veelgi enam, selline teoreetiline raamistik peab võimaldama eritüübiliste ja keerukate vastastikmõjude kirjeldamist, kuna survetegurite mõju elustikule ei avaldu üldjuhul aditiivselt (üksikelementide liitmise kaudu), vaid on kirjeldatav keerukate interaktsioonidega

    Towards navigational safety of ecosystem based Maritime Spatial Planning solutions

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    According to EU Directive establishing a framework for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) the main purpose of MSP is to promote sustainable development and to identify the utilization of maritime space for different sea uses as well as to manage spatial uses and conflicts in marine areas. The offshore wind energy production is considered to be one of the main drivers of MSP in the Baltic Sea Region. However, the impact on navigational safety from offshore renewable energy installations (OREI) should be assessed and taken into account in the MSP processes. In a course of implementation of the INTERREG BSR Baltic LINes project, this planning issue is addressed by analysis of the potential impact on navigational safety from planned OREI off the Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) in the Baltic Sea. As a result, the safe distance of turbines’ boundary from shipping route is evaluated referring as an example to UK relevant regulations determining the manoeuvring space that vessels need in order to keep a safe distance from multiple structures such as OREI. Accompanying environmental safety issues related to marine space allocation for OREI developments off the Hiiumaa Island are addressed